best coach in california

Just 1 Session Could Change Your Life

Coaching provides you with a support system to help build strength and confidence to focus on and achieve your goals, whatever they may be. Even if you are the sharpest CEO of a multi-billion dollar company or a high-powered decision maker where you lead people on a daily basis, you still can benefit from coaching: It helps you improve your game at every level.

Be empowered. Gain the focus and insight you need to achieve your best, again and again.

Coaching offers accountability, too. When you work with a seasoned coach like Bara, who has over 20 years of direct one-on-one experience with clients, you benefit from her proven approach. Over the years, Bara has coached students of all ages: business owners, employees, students, and clients looking to make important career and personal changes in their lives. Learn more.

Bara’s coaching is results oriented. Typically, Bara meets with students for up to five hours, only. This is sufficient to help them gain self-awareness, learn some tips, and most importantly, adopt a winning mindset to perform their best by remaining calm and focused under pressure. Learn more about Full Potential Coaching.

For clients who are not focused on academics or test prep, but rather seek to meet goals, manifest new habits and shifts in perspective, or gain greater creativity, productivity, or improved relationships, Bara creates either individualized coaching programs for ongoing support or short-term perspective shifts.

Benefits of Coaching

  • Gain self-awareness and confidence to break through self-sabotage and self-imposed limitations.
  • Learn how to communicate from a place of strength and empowerment.
  • Tap into your own strength, passions, and inner fortitude to face life’s challenges.
  • Manage change more effectively.
  • Adopt a winning mindset.
  • Gain clarity about your life and set realistic goals you are passionate about and are achievable within a designated time frame, adapted as needed.
  • Implement systems of accountablity and increased integrity.
  • Embody an attitude of gratitude.

Ready to try it out? Schedule your first free strategy meeting!

Coaching can help you identify your top goals, reframe any limiting beliefs that have prevented you from moving forward, and develop a clear action plan to achieve your defined and desired outcomes.

The best decision:

the best coach california

When you are on the journey towards greater fulfillment, more achievement, or increased creativity, you need to develop a strong foundation from which you can expand and grow. Bara can help you build the inner strength and outer manifestation.

“I help people master their game.” – Bara Sapir

Upgrade your Life.
Contact Bara