Bara Sapir

full potential tutor intensives

Full Potential Tutor Intensives

Coming soon! Bara Sapir will be offering her Full Potential training for educators, tutors, psychologists, counselors, coaches, and all those who work with students. This course will provide extensive training and practice on the methods she uses to help students get out of their own way, fire their inner critic, and enter high-pressure situations with calmness, confidence, and focus.

You will be trained to use strategies that successfuly get results and learn the best methods to support students who experience a host of unwanted physical and/or emotional symptoms. You will master methods and become fully adept at reversing and alleviating:

Lack of Focus
Low Self-Esteem
Diminished Confidence
Belief of not Being a Good Test-Taker
Stress about Earning Higher Scores (on High-Stakes Tests)
Confusion as to Why He/She is Not Achieving Better Grades

Difficulty Sleeping
Physical Ailments

The training incorporates cutting-edge modalities in personal transformation, mindfulness, holistic practices, positive psychology, and neuroscience. You will be empowered and armed with the skills to create and implement success-driven protocols to support the students you work with.

Contact us to be put on a list for when the Full Potential Tutor Training Program launches.

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